Carrier pricing is simple, utility driven, and costs far less than traditional LIDB and cached CNAM databases, without the caching. The pricing model is based on 95th percentile billing, similar to IP Transit burstable billing.
Pricing is available to meet the needs of tiny to Tier 1 carriers. We have no setup fees, month-to-month contracts, automated discounts based on volume, and usage is invoiced and post-paid. Contact us for pricing, and any special terms that may apply to your business.
We provide free CNAM storage in our database to established carriers and service providers for any number worldwide, even if you’re not using our paid services yet. CNAM updates can be made as either batch uploads via FTP, or for individual TN updates, via an API call over HTTPS or through a web dashboard.
Batch files are immediately processed, and an automated email is sent with the disposition of the import after it completes. Updates to an individual TN sent via the HTTPS API and dashboard become active instantly.
Our CNAM data comes from three sources: Carriers and Service Providers, verified end-users, and we also add data that has been manually verified by TrueCNAM employees (yes, actual humans). We never use data from third-party bulk databases or lists.
Because we allow any service provider as well as any end-user to update our database, and we regularly purge stale data, you get the most accurate and updated information all the time, with a pricing model that eliminates the incentive to cache potentially stale CNAM data.